Osteopathy is a 'hands on' form of diagnosis and treatment, making use of 'intelligent hands' to assess the framework and function of the body. If you wish I can work through a light layer of clothing. You can be covered with a towel during treatment and I will keep the room temperature to suit how you feel. I want you to feel relaxed and to enjoy your treatment.
I enjoy treating patients in this hands on way, encouraging the body to normalise after trauma or strain, but I am also trained in various medical screening tests and will always have my eye on the big picture. Thus it is sometimes necessary to communicate with your GP or another health care professional to request medical tests or test results. I will only do this with your full knowledge and written consent. I do not store information about you on a computer. Anything you tell me is in confidence.
Osteopaths are registered with a governing body called the The General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and we follow a code of professional practice. If you would like to know more about Osteopathy, our training and regulation, please go to the GOsC website: https://www.osteopathy.org.uk